In the midterm elections of November 2022, despite projections pointing to a crushing victory for Republicans, the results showed the resilience of the Biden administration and the Democratic Par
After two years as President of the United States, Joe Biden made his first visit to the southern border of the UnitedStates with Mexico on January 8, in the midst of a series of controversies over
In his posthumous book “Apology of History, or the Office of the Historian”, published in 1949, Marc Bloch drew the attention of historians to the care they should have with sources, even more
With almost all the polls counted in the United States, we can already draw some conclusions from the results of the mid-term elections (or midterms). Contrary to expectations, the performance of
On November 8, the mid-term legislative elections, or the “Midterms”, took place in the United States. The results of the elections were surprising, because, contrary to the bets and electoral
The upcoming legislative elections of midpoint presidential term – the “Midterms” - are taking place November 8th in the United States. 35 of the 100 Senate seats and all of the 435 Congress