Rua Hygino Muzy Filho, 737, MARÍLIA - SP

ANALYSIS: Impacts of the Latino population on the abortion matter in the United States

Since the end of “Roe vs. Wade”, a historic decision made by the United States Supreme Court in 1973 that guaranteed access to abortion at the federal level, Americans have been witnesing a reformulation of their electoral dynamics, with this agenda being inserted in several movements and elections accross the country since then. The 2022 midterms represent this scenario in which the favoritism of the Republican part...

Impactos da população latina nos EUA sobre a questão do aborto


O Departamento de Estado dos EUA anunciou o lançamento de programa que promete solucionar a escassez de mão de obra e o reassentamento de refugiados

The U.S. State Department announced the launch of a program that promises to address labor shortages and resettle refugees

01/05/2024 16:04 | Editores

The Welcome Corps at Work (WCW) program, recently launched by the U.S. Department of State in partnership with the International Rescue Committee (IRC) and Talent Beyond Boundaries (TBB), represents an i...

EUA e Cuba discutem migração enquanto milhares de cubanos deixam o país

U.S. and Cuba discuss migration as thousands of Cubans leave the country

01/05/2024 15:46 | Editores

The meeting between U.S. and Cuban officials in Washington on Wednesday marked an important point in the bilateral dialogue on migration, the first meeting of its kind this year. The event came amid signific...

Pesquisa revela que metade dos americanos dizem apoiar deportações em massa de imigrantes indocumentados

Poll Finds Half of Americans Say They Support Mass Deportations of Undocumented Immigrants

01/05/2024 15:40 | Editores

A recent poll by Axios Vibes, conducted by The Harris Poll, revealed a surprising trend: Half of Americans expressed support for mass deportations of undocumented immigrants. This support appears to be driven...

Contrariando Donald Trump, pesquisas demonstram que os imigrantes não cometem mais crimes que os nativos estadunidenses

Contrary to Donald Trump, research shows that immigrants do not commit more crimes than native-born Americans

22/04/2024 19:00 | Editores

Donald Trump’s rhetoric about illegal immigrants in the United States, blaming them for violent crimes, resurrects the discourse used in his previous presidential campaign. However, according to a Reuter...

Democratas hispânicos apoiam deputado Rob Menendez nas primárias democratas de New Jersey

Hispanic Democrats support Rep. Rob Menendez in New Jersey Democratic primary

22/04/2024 18:54 | Editores

Rep. Rob Menendez, who currently faces a serious challenge in the Democratic primary for Congress in New Jersey's 8th district against Hoboken Mayor Ravi Bhalla, has received the support of the Hispan...

Estados e municípios enfrentam desafios com os cortes do governo federal na ajuda para abrigos e serviços para migrantes nos EUA

States and municipalities face challenges from federal government cuts to aid for migrant shelters and services in the U.S.

22/04/2024 18:48 | Editores

A publication from the Immigration Impact website, a project of the American Immigration Council, points out the main points and implications of the challenges facing U.S. states and cities regarding ...


Juan Gabriel e Hector Lavoe entram no Registro Nacional de Gravações dos EUA

Juan Gabriel and Hector Lavoe enter the U.S. National Recording Registry

01/05/2024 15:25 | Editores

The Library of Congress has announced the inclusion of two significant musical recordings on the National Recording Registry: "Amor Eterno" by renowned Mexican singer Juan Gabriel and "The Singer" by iconic Puerto ...

Jennifer López recebe prêmio nos EUA por seu trabalho em favor dos latinos

Jennifer López receives award in the U.S. for her work on behalf of Latinos

01/05/2024 15:11 | Editores

Singer and entrepreneur Jennifer López has been honored with the Pride Award by the Hispanic Federation (HF), in recognition of her commitment to the Latino community and her excellence in her areas of expert...

Venezuelano se destaca com projeto fotográfico sobre as políticas migratórias do México e recebe importante prêmio internacional

Venezuelan Man Stands Out with Photographic Project on Mexico's Migration Policies and Receives Important International Award

22/04/2024 17:28 | Editores

The recent World Press Photo Awards highlighted a diverse range of photo essays that capture the complexities and challenges of our contemporary world. Among the winners, the essay titled “The Two Walls”...

A possibilidade de escolher o hispânico como “raça” no censo dos EUA inicia um debate sobre qual seria a melhor a identificação dos latinos

The possibility of choosing Hispanic as a “race” in the U.S. census has sparked a debate about which would be a better way to identify Latinos

17/04/2024 18:54 | Editores

An NBC News story sought to analyze the complexities of racial and ethnic identity, especially for Latinos in the United States, highlighting recent changes in government data categories. As some of the exa...

Estudantes latinos respondem pela maior parte do crescimento dos diplomas universitários nos EUA

Latino students account for most of the growth in college degrees in the U.S.

17/04/2024 18:46 | Editores

The report released by “Excelencia in Education” highlights the significant progress of Latinos in obtaining college degrees over the past five years. The data shows that these students accounted for the...

Pesquisa revela que a maioria dos americanos acredita que ao menos alguma discriminação está presente no país

Survey reveals that most Americans believe at least some discrimination is present in the country

09/04/2024 20:14 | Editores

The study conducted by the Pew Research Center ( reveals that a majority of Americans believe that forms of discrimination are present in...




07/05/2023 10:23 | Beatriz Zanin de Moraes

Last Wednesday (26), students from the International Relations course at UNESP in Marília and the Facultad de Contaduría y Administración at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) held an online me...


Héctor Lavoe

Héctor Lavoe

01/05/2024 15:31 | Editores

Héctor Lavoe, born Héctor Juan Pérez Martínez, was a Puerto Rican salsa singer who played a key role in popularizing this musical genre in the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s. Recognized as one of the best and most imp...

Robert Jacobsen Menéndez Jr.

Robert Jacobsen Menéndez Jr.

22/04/2024 17:53 | Editores

Robert Jacobsen Menéndez Jr., or Rob Menéndez, is an American lawyer and politician, whose political career began to take off in 2023 when he took office as the U.S. representative in New Jersey's 8th congress...

Sarita Brown

Sarita Brown

17/04/2024 18:58 | Editores

Sarita Brown was born in New York City and raised in San Antonio, Texas. Her father, a Mexican immigrant, and her mother, were unable to pursue higher education, but they did everything they could to ensure that ...

Isabel Allende

Isabel Allende

09/04/2024 20:20 | Editores

Isabel Allende, a prominent Chilean writer and journalist, was born in Lima, Peru, in 1942, daughter to a Chilean diplomat and a housewife. After her parents' separation, her mother returned to Chile with Isabel an...

Tom Perez

Tom Perez

03/04/2024 11:34 | Editores

Thomas Edward Perez's trajectory is marked by outstanding public service and an ongoing dedication to advancing civil and labor rights in the United States. Born in Buffalo, New York, in 1961, Perez possesses an ...

Maria Hinojosa

Maria Hinojosa

26/03/2024 21:13 | Editores

Maria de Lourdes Hinojosa Ojeda is a prominent Mexican-American journalist. Hinojosa is recognized as the anchor and executive producer of the Latino USA public radio program on National Public Radio (NPR), as well...

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